Destroy stereotypes! Introduce the Spanish speaking world in its glorious diversity. Engage students with thought-provoking topics.
Culture units: art, sports, human rights, ecology and more. Read, write, speak, and think.
Oral presentation based on Internet searches with keywords. Cooperative learning.
Writing assignments as varied as our students. Keywords for Internet searches.
Give them the tools and they will flourish!
Destroy stereotypes! Introduce the Spanish speaking world in its glorious diversity. Engage students with thought-provoking topics.
Culture units: art, sports, human rights, ecology and more. Read, write, speak, and think.
Oral presentation based on Internet searches with keywords. Cooperative learning.
Writing assignments as varied as our students. Keywords for Internet searches.
Give them the tools and they will flourish!
· This is the story Rubí´s extraordinary party, powered by Facebook and Twitter.
· The invitation to Rubi’s fifteenth birthday party went viral.
· 15 thousand guests or more attended Rubí´s 15th birthday!
· Rubí story shook Mexico.
The unit has two themes:
· the importance of a girl´s 15th birthday as a rite of passage
· the power of social media
The unit includes:
A reading – 2 pages
The invitation that went viral is included in the reading and can be seen on YouTube. The text of the invitation is included for those who cannot watch it.
Reading comprehension questions.
Oral. Three television interviews are provided. The students watch one of the interviews, then replace the audio of the interview with their own. Those students unable to watch the interviews, write a script for a radio interview. They can interview not only the birthday girl, but all the members of her family.
Discussion topics. Four discussion topics. Each one deals with a different aspect, social media, fame, rites of passage and celebrations.
Grammar. Preterits. Fill in the blanks with the verbs provided. Contextualized to a more typical 15th birthday.
Homework. Create a souvenir album, either virtually or in paper. Suggestions and key words are provided.
Teacher´s guide. Has further information on the 15th birthday in other countries, including Spain and the United States. Further pedagogical suggestions are provided.
Answer key.
Additional resources. Music and film.
List of the 54 photographs suggested for page 4.
Theme Global challenges – Social justice
The unit has two themes:
· Racism
· Black pride
This unit will give students
· an understanding of racism during the colonial era and into the present
· knowledge about the exclusions according to color and race
· an example of the power of religion and faith in San Martín de Porres
· information about the rules and regulations for slaves in colonial Peru
Total pages 14.
Teaching time: One or two class periods.
The unit includes:
A reading – 2.5 pages
Reading comprehension. Further information is included in the questions.
Vocabulary. Popular culture.
Grammar. Preterit and imperfect related to the rules and regulations for slaves in Peru.
Oral discussion topic. Rules and regulation that governed slaves’ lives.
Historical information. Presented in game format.
The XX and XXI centuries. Blacks in present day Peru.
Poem. “Me gritaron negra” / Self-knowledge furthering black pride.
Homework. Analyze the poem. Questions are provided.
Answer key.
Teacher´s guide with further information.
Model test.
Voting is a key element in a democracy.
The battle for women to win the right to vote is one great successes of the twentieth century.
The reading contrasts Clara Campoamor, Spanish suffragist and Eva Perón, famous Argentine politician and cult figure. Both fought and won the right for women to vote under very different circumstances.
Read about women’s voting rights in the Spanish speaking world and the hard fought battles again patriarchy. Often, they were won only to be lost again.
Number of pages 15 - 90 minutes
Páginas 2 – 4 Ejercicio preliminar - el voto femenino – teoría y realidad
Páginas 4 – 7 Lectura – Clara Campoamor y Eva Perón
Página 7 Interludio música y letra de la canción No llores por mí, Argentina
Página 8 Comprensión del texto
Página 9 Diminutivos - Evita
Página 10 Tarea / Oral – Igualdad de géneros
Página 11 - 12 La Red / Guía del profesor
Página 13 Prueba
Página 14 Clave / Fotos
Página 15 Leer, comentar, discutir y concluir